Community Forestry Impacts on Local Livelihoods: A Difference-In-Differences Analysis in Mindon Township, Magway Region, Myanmar

Community Forestry Impacts on Local Livelihoods: A Difference-In-Differences Analysis in Mindon Township, Magway Region, Myanmar

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Author(s): Phyu Phyu Thinn, Yi Xie, Giuseppe T. Cirella, Aung Si Thu Thein

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2785 19 81 1-17 Volume 13 - Aug 2024


Community forests in Myanmar serve as vital resources for fulfilling local residents’ fundamental needs. This study aims to evaluate the influence of community forestry on the livelihoods of these residents, employing panel data and a difference-in-differences methodology. Central to this evaluation are the important roles played by management committees, which oversee Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs). CFUG members are encouraged to engage in silvicultural activities within designated forest management areas, prioritizing them over plantation initiatives to meet set objectives. The prohibition of shifting cultivations post-establishment has led to a decline in agricultural income and its share. However, CFUGs have leveraged community forests for cattle pasturing and intensified livestock breeding, thereby positively impacting livestock-related income and its share. The establishment of community forests has also resulted in increased availability of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), although strategies related to forestry livelihood and annual income remain largely unaffected. CFUG members have been able to independently collect abundant NTFPs from community forests due to implemented conservation measures. Consequently, community forests have effectively secured critical resources such as firewood and bamboo for local subsistence needs, albeit with restrictions on commercial usage. To further enhance the effectiveness of community forestry initiatives, it is recommended that the Myanmar Forest Department invests in additional training, and extension services, and strengthens collaboration with management committees to foster greater willingness and participation among CFUGs. Moreover, exploring opportunities for commercializing community forest products holds promise for long-term improvements in the livelihoods of local residents.


Community Rules, Difference-In-Differences Approach, Forest Management Practices, Livelihood Strategies, Local Economy, Management Committees, Sustainable Development


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