Association between Intestinal Intussusception and Metastatic Cutaneous Melanoma - Case Report

Association between Intestinal Intussusception and Metastatic Cutaneous Melanoma - Case Report

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2783 20 60 18-22 Volume 13 - Aug 2024


The acute obstructive abdomen accounts for approximately 20% of emergency surgeries. Intussusception, a type of intestinal obstruction, is more common in children and is typically associated with benign conditions. On the other hand, in adults, intussusception is often associated with an invagination point, in most cases a malignant tumor responsible for altering peristalsis and resulting in invagination of the proximal intestine into the lumen of the distal intestine. This report describes the case of a 40-year-old woman with metastatic cutaneous melanoma who experienced two episodes of intussusception and underwent exploratory laparotomy twice. In both cases, enterectomy with primary anastomosis was performed.


Intestinal intussusception, Melanoma, Acute abdomen


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