Extensive Hepatocellular Adenoma Causing Dyspeptic Symptoms: Case Report

Extensive Hepatocellular Adenoma Causing Dyspeptic Symptoms: Case Report

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Author(s): Felipe Argolo Paraiso, Débora Moreira Carneiro Rezeck, Giovanna Dias Junqueira de Souza, Enzo Faria Cunha, Márcia Fumie da Rocha, Érica Manuela da Silva Boa Sorte, Paula Andraous Merhi, Sara de Freitas Abrão, Leonardo Oliveira Alves Borborema Júnior, Nadim Isaac Filho, Amanda Peixoto dos Santos, Jessica Spagnol Bose

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2764 26 63 28-29 Volume 13 - Jun 2024


Hepatocellular adenoma is a benign solid hepatic tumor of varying size. Objective: To describe the case of a patient taking a combined oral contraceptive who presented with extensive focal points of hepatocellular adenoma causing dyspeptic syndrome and was submitted to surgical treatment. Conclusion: Extensive hepatocellular adenoma is uncommon in the general population. However, this paper describes a patient taking a combined oral contraception who developed this symptomatic condition without any other associated risk factors.


Hepatocellular Adenoma, Dyspepsia, Contraceptive


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