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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2722
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Volume 12 - Sep 2023
Understanding conservation attitudes of local communities is essential to the long -term survival of protected areas. Perception and attitudes towards protected areas may greatly be influenced by the various kinds of relationship that exists between the local communities and the protected area management. Studies that have focused on local people’s responses to protected areas indicate that attitudes towards protected areas and conservation in general are also greatly influenced by benefits obtained. This study aims to explore the factors influencing conservation attitudes of villagers who live near around the Popa Mountain Park (PMP) in Myanmar. A sample of 174 households was randomly selected from three villages adjoining the Park to collect the data using structured questionnaire interviews, focus group discussion with local residents and directly observation to the environment. Logistic regression analysis was applied to determine which significant factors influence in predicting attitude towards conservation. Logistic regression showed that forest dependency and limited access to forest resources are found to be significant predictors of conservation attitudes. The findings go along with most of similar studies that, providing alternative source of income for the livelihood through employment opportunities or by an income source from agricultural will greatly reduce the forest dependence. The research concluded that consideration to household socioeconomic characteristics near around the PMP is essential in protected area management. The study recommends that environmental education programme should be encouraged in order to reduce dependence on the protected forests. Moreover, the government should consider measures to increase agricultural production and generate off-farm employment opportunities for local communities in general and strengthen conservation activities especially around the Popa Mountain Park.
Socio-economic Characteristics, Conservation Attitudes, Popa Mountain Park (PMP), Protected Area, Myanmar
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