The Methodology for Determination of Optimal Warm Forging Temperature using Computer Simulation
Author(s): Maria Kapustova
Warm forming is most commonly used in production of die forgings manufactured by precise forging. As compared with cold forming, using warm forging we are able to reduce size of forging forces considerably. The development of forging technology is connected to research of forgeability and plasticity of formed material at warm temperatures. The contribution brings a description of methodology used for determination of optimal forging temperature from recommended warm temperature interval concerning the chromium - manganic steel 16MnCr5. The mentioned steel is applicable for case hardening and manufacture of precise die forgings. In order to verify the steel forgeability within the recommended warm forging temperatures interval 600, 650, 700 a 750 °C the upsetting test according to Židek was used. The computer simulation of technologic test by means of program MSC.SuperForge confirmed correct selection of warm temperatures because testing samples showed good formability and after pressing in a notch area no cracks or defects were revealed. The crucial plasticity factor for selection of optimal warm temperature from examined temperature interval was a value of reduction of area determined by tensile test.
Warm Forming, Warm Temperature, Plasticity, Forgeability, Pressure test, Simulation
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