An Ecological Strategy to Reduce and Optimize Nitrogenous Fertilizer in the Growth of Solaneum lycopersicum

An Ecological Strategy to Reduce and Optimize Nitrogenous Fertilizer in the Growth of Solaneum lycopersicum

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Author(s): Alexis Javier Nava-Vazquez, Juan Luis Ignacion de la Cruz, Juan Manuel Sanchez-Yañez

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2620 25 114 1-7 Volume 11 - Oct 2022


Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) is one of the most common agricultural crops in the world. Its production in Mexico and the world depends on the application of nitrogenous fertilizer such as NH4NO3, which, used rationally or in reduced doses according to the needs of the plant, avoids environmental pollution in addition to the emission of N2O (oxide nitrous), greenhouse gas. One option to reduce and optimize is to apply Azotobacter vinelandii and Xanthobacter autotrophicus with a crude extract of carbon nanoparticles (CENC). The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of A. vinelandii and X. autotrophicus on the growth of S. lycopersicum at 70% NH4NO3plus a CENC. The experiment was carried out under a randomized block experimental design with two controls, six treatments and six replications. The response variables were: days of emergence and percentage (%) of germination, phenology: plant height (PH) and root length (LR) and biomass: aerial and root fresh and dry weight: (AFW/RFW) / (ADW/ RDW) at the seedling and flowering stages; experimental data was analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey (P<0.01). The results showed a positive effect of A. vinelandii and X. autotrophicus at 70% NH4NO3 and CENC on the germination percentage of S. lycopersicum seeds, as well as on phenology and biomass. In the seedling and flowering stages, the numerical values showed a statistical difference compared to S. lycopersicum without A. vinelandii and X. autotrophicus, or CENC, only at 100% NH4NO3 (relative control). These results support that S. lycopersicum fertilized at 50% NH4NO3 inoculated with A. vinelandii and X. autotrophicus was optimized and improved by CENC to prevent soil fertility loss and possible N2O emission.


Soil, Nitrogen Fertilizer, Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria, Nanoparticules, Greenhouse Effect Gases


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