The Yield Characteristics of the Shallow Aquifer of River Kastina Ala Floodplane in Nigeria

The Yield Characteristics of the Shallow Aquifer of River Kastina Ala Floodplane in Nigeria

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Author(s): Enokela O.S, Abua C.A

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472 1110 76-85 Volume 2 - Sep 2013


The yield of shallow aquifer of River Kastina Ala within Kastina Ala local Government of Benue State Nigeria was carried out at constant rate of pumping and recovery test on five existing tube wells located within the floodplain of the river stretching from Abaave to Government Secondary School Katsina-ala. An average duration of pumping for the flood plane was established at 149 minutes. The average recovery period for wells in the study area was 202 minutes while the stabilization period of 42 minutes was recorded. The study conducted revealed that an average discharge of 2268.89 m3/day is achievable from each well while on an the average specific yield is 320.18 m3/day. The aquifer has an average coefficient of permeability (K) of 189.5 m/day and coefficient of Transmissivity (T) of 808.32m2/day. The aquifer is confirmed to be a semi-confined to confined, having a specific yield, transmissivity, permeability and average discharge per well obtained in the study area when compared with already established standards This also attested that the aquifers in the study area are moderate to good since the time taken for an aquifer to recover to its static water level is not more than 4 hours 15 minutes with a maximum cone of depression of 8.75 against the 6.22 achieved.


Kastina ala floodplain, aquifer, permeability, transmisivity, yield


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