A Realm of Abdus Sattar Paradox

A Realm of Abdus Sattar Paradox

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Author(s): Maher Ali Rusho

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2603 39 104 28-36 Volume 11 - Jul 2022


I am going to write my 10’th research paper .So today’s topic is special one . I want to dedicate my paper to my chemist Grandfather Abdus Sattar . Though he is not in the world Physically but his humanity ,his knowledge is everywhere . I met him the day before he gave up his last breath . Sorry but it was not a whole day but only 2-3 hours . And we don’t even talk each other.Because he was ill . But he just touched my hand . After his death , My Aunt Give him his all books even his Ph.D ,M.Sc thesis in Electrochemistry . Though I see him just one time but I am very much grateful to him because he has awakened my latent talent for chemistry . I loved chemistry before also but after reading his thesis paper I dreamed to be a chemist also . In this paper , I am going to discussed some scientific Philosophical Questions that can never be understood by modern Science . It will be a merge of philosophy and science . I will prove here also that science invention will never end . So , the scientist will never be jobless !!! N.B: In this paper I have researched many websites and forwarded there writings and make a complete guidelines. All resourses are been attached with the writings Why Scientist especially Physicist need Philosopher ????


  1. www.rusho.org
  2. Life after life book
  3. Phylosophical science book
  4. www.soul.org

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