Torus Mechanics -1

Torus Mechanics -1

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Author(s): Maher Ali Rusho

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2601 41 140 17-18 Volume 11 - Jul 2022


First, I explain the meaning of headline. The term “Torus” came from the book “The Shape of Space “ written by Jeffrey R.Weeks . Torus is a n dimensional Glued Surface. And the term relativity we all are familiar with this basically when we talk Einstein Relativity . So, this paper on Rusho’s general Torus relativity emphasizes the relative occurrence and relative answers of every physical phenomenon . Like for. BIG world or professionally MACROSCOPIC WORLD Newtons Mechanics is replaced by Lagrangian mechanics and lagrangian mechanics is replaced by hamiltonian mechanics. Again this rules also break down and came Einstein theory of relativity, Quantum mechanics for microscopic world . This is also a mechanics or we can called it let say “Torus Mechanics” So what is it’s speciality. We will represent here 3 observation. We will do here some critical thinking also. In first observation , we will evaluate the torus nature of light and shape of space i.e the space is closed and expanding or open and expanding . And in our second observation, we will proof newtons famous Third law ie. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. And our third observation we will evaluate and proof another famous concept The conservation law in physics !! So lets began.


Torus, n-Dimensional Glued Surface, Gausian Surface, The Shape Of Space, Torus-Tic-Tacoe, Torus World, Torus Light, Closed Universe


  1. Book of The shape of space written by Jeffrey R.Weeks

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