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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2588
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a 19-27
Volume 11 - Jul 2022
Acid soils cover about 40 to 50% of the world's agricultural area and are one of the main limiting factors to plant production. However, the natural process of soil acidification can be intensified by agricultural practices, mainly related to fertilization. In Brazil, soils are mostly naturally acidic and about 65% of the territory is covered by this type of soil, and as a consequence, there is greater availability of aluminum (Al). The toxicity caused by aluminum (Al) is one of the factors that has most limited crop productivity in acid soils of tropical and subtropical regions. The primary and most evident symptom of Al toxicity in plants is inhibition in root elongation and decreased nutrient absorption, which can be minimized with the No-Tillage System (NTS). In the NTS there are changes in the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the soil, which can act in the reduction of Al toxicity in the composition of the soil. Therefore, this study aimed to perform a literature review about the toxicity of Al in a no-tillage system, seeking to present the damage to the growth and development of plants caused by Al toxicity, together with the mechanisms that help reduce the toxicity of this metal through the NTS.
Agricultural Crops, Planting, Productivity, Acidic Soils
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