Characteristics of Computerized Tomography Findings of Male Alcoholics Treated on Department of Psychiatry Tuzla from 01.01.2005 to 31.12.2009

Characteristics of Computerized Tomography Findings of Male Alcoholics Treated on Department of Psychiatry Tuzla from 01.01.2005 to 31.12.2009

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Author(s): Mevludin Hasanovic, Izet Pajevic, Abdurahman Kuldija, Nermina Kravic, Amra Delic, Nerminka Aljukic

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527 1158 21-24 Volume 2 - Sep 2013


Introduction: Consequences of alcohol dependence may be complex, and difficult for treatment, thus complex diagnostic procedures are needed.Aim: To assess the prevalence of silent brain strokes and cortical cerebral atrophy amongst male inpatient alcoholics.Methodology: We analyzed 86 file records of males treated from 01 January 2005 to 31 December 2009 year on Tuzla Psychiatry Department, who had dismissed diagnosis Alcohol dependency (F 10.2) according ICD-10, with computerized tomography (CT) of brain, related to age, war engagement, brain trauma, employment, smoking, psychological findings and presence of silent stroke and cortical brain atrophy according CT diagnosis.Results: The mean age of observed patients was 50.1±6.6 years. Amongst them (70.9%) were active soldiers in Bosnia-Herzegovina Army during 1992-1995 war. There were 71 (72.6%) with atrophy of brain cortex, 27 (31.4%) had ischemic silent stroke. In the sample, 61 (70.9%) of inpatients met criteria for PTSD according ICD-10, 53 (61.6%) had cognitive disturbances, 29 (33.7%) had psychotic symptoms, 50 (58.1%) of them had clinically manifested depression, 47 (54.7%) had difficulties in social contacts, 23 (26.7%) had somatic disorders. Age of inpatients was in positive correlation with duration of work, presence of silent ischemic stroke and brain cortex atrophy. Presence of PTSD was in positive correlation with involvement in the combatants, with cognitive disturbances, with depressiveness and somatic complains. Atrophy of brain cortex positively correlated with silent stroke and glucose blood level. Conclusion: Brain cortical atrophy and silent brain stroke were frequent CT findings amongst male alcohol dependants clinically treated in Psychiatry department.


silent brain stroke, brain cortex atrophy, alcoholism, hospital treatment, PTSD, Bosnia-Herzegovina


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