Traumatic Dislocation of Bilateral Knee Joints with Injury of the Popliteal Arteries - A Case Report

Traumatic Dislocation of Bilateral Knee Joints with Injury of the Popliteal Arteries - A Case Report

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Author(s): Maota Ou, Jing Wang

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2566 28 70 33-35 Volume 11 - Mar 2022


Introduction: Bilateral knee joint dislocation associated with injury of bilateral popliteal arteries is an extremely rare condition. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are essential for limb salvage and function. Case report: We reported a 25-year-old girl who suffered traumatic open displacement of bilateral knee joints and contusion of bilateral popliteal arteries during a vehicle accident. The diagnosis was confirmed by X-ray examination and physical examination. The urgent surgical procedure was performed. The dislocations were reduced immediately and the original opening and the posterior approach to the popliteal artery were used. During the surgical exploration, rupture of the bilateral anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments associated with bilateral thrombosed popliteal arteries was found. The damaged popliteal arteries were resected and replaced with autologous saphenous vein graft. The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments were repaired at the first stage. A 1 year follow-up after the surgery demonstrated intact arterial perfusion and acceptable good function of the knee joints. Conclusion: Bilateral knee joints dislocation associated with injury of bilateral popliteal arteries are very rare, which require combined treatment.


Knee Injuries, Dislocation, Popliteal Artery, Blood Vessels, Transplants


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