Strengthening the Resilience of Maize Producers in the Koulikoro Region against the Adverse effects of Climate Change

Strengthening the Resilience of Maize Producers in the Koulikoro Region against the Adverse effects of Climate Change

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Author(s): TRAORE Lamine, Coulibaly Mamadou, Cisse Fatimata, Sissoko Dioukou

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2556 24 60 4-19 Volume 11 - Mar 2022


Koulikoro is the second economic region of Mali. Maize (Zea maize L.) is one of the most important food crops in this region where it is completely rainfed and dependent on changes in climate. Eighteen (18) drought tolerant maize varieties/hybrids were introduced into the farming environment to test their adaptability. The participatory varietal selection method was used to identify adapted varieties. This participatory varietal selection work and the study of the Genotype x Environment interaction led to the final choice of the following four (4) intermediate varieties/hybrids maize of 110 days, from seeding to harvest: IWDC3-SYN, PVA-SYN-22, FARAKO, DT-STR- SYN-Y and three (3) early maize varieties of 90 days: EVDT-99, DTE-STR-Y-SYN-POPC3, POP66-SR/ACR-91. These adapted maize genetic materials to the agro-ecological zones could be a solution to the problem of insufficient improved varieties in the Koulikoro region. On the other hand, the seed systems are oriented towards meeting market needs through the production of certified seeds according to international standards, while the majority of the producers regularly use seeds of local varieties taken from their own harvests. This is why the number of improved varieties has decreased. Eight (8) village cooperatives were trained in the maize community-based seeds production and distribution techniques. The outputs of the project were: the identified seven (7) drought-tolerant maize varieties/hybrids proposed to the extension services for vulgarization; the private network for the production and distribution of certified seeds of the improved varieties has been set up to ensure a continuous supply of the producers by the trained cooperatives. The FCRIT project has thus contributed to strengthening the resilience of the producers against the adverse effects of climate change.


Maize, Climate Change, Adaptation Tests, Certified Seeds, Village Cooperatives, Community-Based Seeds


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