Parting with the Past: Logical Conceptualizations and Replications of Vengefulness in Males

Parting with the Past: Logical Conceptualizations and Replications of Vengefulness in Males

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Author(s): Ian T. Jones, Chance O'Lansen, Danielle E. Deros, Megan E. Baker, Emery K. Thackerson, James W. Grice

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2548 28 78 15-28 Volume 11 - Feb 2022


Lin and Frank (2016) failed to replicate findings from a study on self-reflection and vengeance conducted by Exline and colleagues (2008), which reported that males who self-reflected upon their potential for wrongdoing were less likely to seek revenge than males who did not self-reflect. Using novel data methods on Lin and Frank’s data, Grice and colleagues (2017) discovered a multivariate profile that successfully differentiated between the groups of men. The present studies further assess the replicability of Exline and colleagues’ (2008) and Grice and colleagues’ (2017) work. Study 1 failed to replicate any of the findings. Studies 2 and 3 investigate explanations for the failed replications by modifying item response format. Implications and explanations for the unsuccessful replications are discussed.


Forgiveness, Vengefulness, Perspective Taking, Interpersonal Relationships


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