Author(s): S. Klu, Y. Ameyaw, W. K. Hordzi
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2515
~ 50
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a 22-31
Volume 10 - Sep 2021
The study determines the impact of Blended Approach as a pedagogical tool in teaching Second Year Home Economics students in three schools obtained from two districts within Oti Region. The selection of the three schools was based on the fact that the schools had at least two Home Economics Second Year classes and as well showed poor performance in biology practicals during the diagnostic stage of the study. In all, 164 Second Year Home Economics students representing six intact classes with three experimental groups and three control groups were sampled from the three schools. The research design employed was quasi-experimental design using pretest-posttest nonequivalent design. A 30-item test captioned as ‘SKbBPCT’ and ‘HESAPBT’ for pretest-posttest respectively were administered on students to generate data for analysis. Data generated was analysed using ANCOVA in SPSS version 25. The study revealed that Bleeded Approach which involved the use of TLA and MLA to teach Home Economics Second Year students biology practicals had positive significant impact on their achievement scores.
Multimedia Laboratory Approach (MLA), Traditional Laboratory Approach (TLA), Opportunity-to-learn (OTL) Practical Content Knowledge (PCK), Practical Pedagogical Knowledge (PPK), Teacher-Student Learning Support (TSLS), Home Economics Students Achievement in Practical Biology Test (HESAPBT), Students Knowledge in basic Biology Practical Concept Test (SKbBPCT)
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