Prevalence of Medical Students Who Use Contraceptive Methods

Prevalence of Medical Students Who Use Contraceptive Methods

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Author(s): Lígia Fonseca Orlando, Marina Telles Peramos, Letícia Margaria Peres, Ana Beatriz Souza de Oliveria, Natalia Kokubo de Marchi, Eduardo Vilela de Andrade, Gabriel Mendes Avilez, Isaac Bicalho de Souza, Pedro Henrique Cruz Farina, Pedro Rodrigues Silva, José Carlos Lopes, Luis Cesar Fava Spessoto, Fernando Nestor Facio Junior

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2503 36 121 1-3 Volume 10 - Sep 2021


The use of contraceptive methods is of extreme importance to family planning and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Such infections are transmitted through sexual (vaginal, anal and oral) contact and can be prevented with the adequate use of a condom. The present cross-sectional study was conducted with medical students at a teaching institution in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, involving the application of an online questionnaire for the analysis of the type of contraceptive method and reasons for the choice of method. The prevalence of contraceptive methods during the first sexual relation was 86.9%; 7.59% of the women and 13.2% of the men who answered the questionnaire reported not using contraceptive methods during the first relation. Regarding current sexual relations, 70.2% of the students who declared an active sex life reported using a male condom and 4.3% reported using a female condom, which are important contraceptive methods that also serve for the prevention of STIs. In conclusion, the majority of medical students had initiated a sexual life and used contraceptive methods beginning with the first relation. The male condom was the most widely used among the respondents, followed by anti-conceptional methods.


Contraceptive Methods, STI, Students, Prevalence


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  14. Ministério da Saúde. Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST)., 2020. Disponível em Acesso em: 02 fev 2021
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  16. Portal PEBMED. Sífilis: aumento mais de 4000%., 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 fev 2021
  17. Gutierrez, E.; Pinto, V.; Basso, C.; Spiassi, A. : Fatores associados ao uso de preservativo em jovens - inquérito de base populacional. Rev. bras. epidemiol. vol.22, São Paulo, 2019. Epub Apr 25, 2019
  18. Portal PEBMED. Segundo Ministério da Saúde, quase metade dos brasileiros não usa caisinha., 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 fev 2021
  19. Spindola, T. ; Araújo, A.; Brochado, E. ; Marinho D.; Martins, E. : Práticas sexuais e o comportamento de jovens universitários frente à prevenção de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis. Rev. Eletrônica Trimestral de Enfermaria. Abril 2020
  20. Pareja Franchi, G. ., Telles Peramos, M. ., dos Santos, E. R. ., Aparecido Brienze, S. L. ., César André, J. ., & de Abreu Lima, A. R. . (2021). Correlação entre educação sexual e prevenção de gravidez e de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 11(66), 6465–6482.
  21. Rodrigues, A. C. M., Lima, G. C., Coelho, L. O., Silva, L. O., Oliveira, A. S., & Torres, T. G. (2017). A internet como fonte de informação em saúde de pacientes. Revi Educ Saúde, 5.
  22. Knight, D. A., & Jarrett, D. (2017). Preventive health care for women who have sex with women. American family physician, 95(5), 314-321.

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