Possibility to Interfere with Coronavirus RNA Replication Analyzed by Resonant Recognition Model

Possibility to Interfere with Coronavirus RNA Replication Analyzed by Resonant Recognition Model

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Author(s): Irena Cosic, Drasko Cosic, Ivan Loncarevic

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2482 84 561 22-28 Volume 10 - Jun 2021


To be able to design vaccine or even a cure for COVID-19, it is particularly important to understand how SARS-CoV-2, as a single stranded RNA virus, is multiplied within host cells and which factors are controlling this multiplication. Here, we have analyzed the process of coronavirus RNA replication within host cell with the aim to find out the characteristics of this process. For that purpose, we have utilized the Resonant Recognition Model (RRM), which is biophysical model capable of identifying parameters (frequencies) related to specific macromolecular (protein, DNA, RNA) functions and/or interactions. The RRM model is unique with its capability to directly analyze interactions between amino acid macromolecules (proteins) and nucleotide macromolecules (DNA, RNA). Using the RRM model, we have identified parameters that characterize two steps in coronavirus RNA replication i.e., initiation of replication and replication by itself. These parameters can be used in our future research to design peptides, that will be able to interfere with either or both of those processes.


COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Coronavirus, Coronavirus RNA Replication, Resonant Recognition Model


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