Advance in Etiology and Rehabilitation Treatment of Patellofemoral Pain (Review)

Advance in Etiology and Rehabilitation Treatment of Patellofemoral Pain (Review)

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Author(s): Dong Qiu, Zha Zhengang

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2467 26 85 35-40 Volume 10 - May 2021


Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is the most common chronic musculoskeletal disease seen in sports medicine clinics. The pathogenesis of PFP is not yet clear, but there have been many biomechanical and pathophysiological studies related to PFP. These studies have further improved the understanding of PFP and aided in its treatment. Due to the high prevalence, long course and difficulty in eradicating PFP, most treatment options to date still aim to improve symptoms and have not resulted in an effective treatment approach. Reasonable rehabilitation therapy can relieve pain, improve motor function and help patients regain confidence in life and work. Therefore, further research into the pathogenesis of PFP and the search for a set of standardized and effective rehabilitation methods for PFP are particularly important in the future.


Patellofemoral Pain, Pathogenesis, Rehabilitation Treatment


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