Prevalence and Morpho-Anatomical Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Spores, from Soybean (Glycine max L.) Rhizosphere in the Agro-Ecological Zone 1 of Cameroon

Prevalence and Morpho-Anatomical Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Spores, from Soybean (Glycine max L.) Rhizosphere in the Agro-Ecological Zone 1 of Cameroon

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Author(s): Richard Tobolbaï, Albert Ngakou, Steve Takoukam Toukam

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2439 35 129 30-40 Volume 10 - Feb 2021


This work investigates on the morpho-anatomical diversity of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungus spores native to soybean rhizosphere in the agro-ecological zone I of Cameroon. Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi spores have been trapped in pot on composite soils samples taken from three areas in each northern region. Soybean have been used as host plant. After 90 days of growth, the mycorrhizal fungus spores have been extracted and the host plant roots stained. Results analysis revealed that the mycorrhization frequency (F) and intensity (I) are higher at Maroua area (F = 4.6%, I = 3.95%) and lower at Guider zone (F = 1.33% and I = 1.22%). For the specific density, the values vary between 1.54% (Guider zone) and 5.2% (Yagoua zone). Regarding the specific richness, the obtained data fluctuate between 3% (Guider) and 8% (Mokolo). The morpho-anatomical characterization of the spores indicated the presence of 9 different specimens: Septoglomus constrictum, Glomus maculosum, Glomus manihostis, Acaulospora kentinensis, Acaulospore myriocarpa, Rhizophagus intraradices, Ambispora sp, Funneliformis mossea, Diversispora epigae. Among these strains, Septoglomus constrictum is the most abundant specimen while Funneliformis mossea, Ambispora sp and Acaulospora myriocarpa are the rarest. The agronomic performances of these strains can be evaluated for and ecological production of soybeans in the agro-ecological zone I of Cameroon.


Agro-Ecological Zone 1, Specfic Density, Specific Richness, Mycorrhization Frequency, Myorrhization Intensity


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