Author(s): Pale Siebou, Taonda Sibiri Jean-Baptiste, Mason Stephen C., Serme Idriss, Sohoro Adama, Ouattara Korodjouma
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2436
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Volume 10 - Apr 2021
A two-year experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block designs with split plot treatment arrangements and three replications in the Sahelian agroecological zone of Burkina Faso. The main plot was tillage method and the sub-plot was cropping system/soil amendment (compost and mineral fertilizer) combinations. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of tillage and cropping system/soil amendment on pearl millet grain and stover concentrations, and relate these to nutritional needs of humans, cattle and for pearl millet plant growth. The cropping system/soil amendment combinations had little influence on nutrient concentrations, significant only for Mg with concentrations varying from 0.16 to 0.39%, and Fe with concentrations varying from 70 to 119 ppm in grain, and P in stover with concentrations varying from 0.06 to 0.18%. Year and tillage more frequently influenced nutrient concentrations, except for grain K, Ca, S, and Zn and stover S, Zn, Fe and Cu. Pearson’s correlations indicated that high yields due to year and tillage were often associated with lower nutrient concentration, and low yields with higher nutrient concentrations. Nutrient concentration of pearl millet grain was adequate to meet human nutritional requirements except for Mn, Ca for females, and P in some circumstances. Stover nutrient concentrations exceeded requirements for cattle feed and critical nutrient concentrations for the yield levels produced in this study except for N and P. Results indicates that the combination of good in presence of judicious cropping systems and soil amendment that positively affected pearl millet grain and stover nutrient concentrations should be recommended for use in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso. However, management of Mn, Ca and P concentrations in grain and N and P concentration in stover requires further research.
Compost, Fertilizer, No Till, Scarifying, Zaï, Human Nutrition, Cattle Nutrition, Critical Nutrient Concentration
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