Cosmopolitan Nature of the Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoïdes Identified in Wells Water Destined for Domestic Usage in Sub-Urban Areas in the Center Region of Cameroon

Cosmopolitan Nature of the Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoïdes Identified in Wells Water Destined for Domestic Usage in Sub-Urban Areas in the Center Region of Cameroon

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Author(s): Thérèse Nadège Okoa Amougou, Ajeagah Gideon Aghaindum, Quiggle Asi Atud

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2434 41 89 22-29 Volume 10 - Feb 2021


In order to evaluate the cosmopolitan character of the eggs of Ascaris lumbricoïdes identified in the wells of four (04) sub-urban areas (Mbalmayo, Mbankomo, Okola and Soa) of the Central region of Cameroon, a study was conducted from September 2018 to March 2019. Sampling was carried out on 16 wells following a monthly sampling frequency. Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoïdes were identified using the formalin-ether concentration and the Kato-Katz identification methods. The result of the physico-chemical analysis shows that the water has an average temperature of 25.31°C and an acidic pH (6.7). Parasitological analysis shows the presence and predominance of the species Ascaris lumbricoïdes at any place and at any time in these waters. The highest parasitological densities were obtained during the rainy season. Statistical analysis shows that orthophosphates are significantly and positively correlated with the densities of the eggs of Ascaris lumbricoïdes (p≤0.01). While nitrates, ammonia nitrogen, colour, turbidity and Dissolved Total Solids are significantly and positively correlated with the densities of the eggs of Ascaris lumbricoïdes (p≤0.05). Water from these wells is therefore a source of contamination by Ascariasis.


Cosmopolitan Nature, Ascaris lumbricoïdes, Eggs, Well Water


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