Author(s): Mahmoona Ashraf, Shanza Ashraf, Abaid Ullah, Sajjad Ahmad, Samia Ashraf
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2422
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Volume 10 - Apr 2021
Composting is regarded as profitable and ecological way to lessen the biodegradable waste dumping in landfills.. In this study, the effects of pit (1 cu yd) composting at Composting Site of CEES, PU on properties of adjoining soil, guava (Psidiumguajava) and Kachnar (Bauhiniavariegata) trees; assessed on the basis of selected soil properties and morphological features of trees. The results showed that the compost prepared by pit composting at the composting site had following properties: bulk density 0.75±0.06g/cm3, water holding capacity 38.67±7.72 %, pH 8.49± 0.31 and electrical conductivity 1.43±0.58, total Kjeldahl nitrogen 3.18±0.99, total organic carbon 0.39±0.12, organic matter 0.67± 0.06, calcium 1.04± 0.31, sodium 0.25±0.15, and potassium 130.11±6.94. All the quality parameters of compost were in the typical range of standard set by U.S Composting Council. The soil in the adjoining areas of composting site showed significant improvement in the quality than soils located far away from the composting time. It was mainly because of flow of runoff from pit composting site, as well as, due to lateral flow of compost tea from the compost pit to the surrounding soils. Both guava and kachnar trees showed highly significant increase in plant growth as compared to similar trees growing at soils far away from the composting site.
Landfills, Pit Compositing, Lateral Flow, Growth, Biodegradable, Dumping, Morphological
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