Fishing under Climate Change Conditions: Local Constraints at the Waterhole of Rouafi, Konni (Niger)

Fishing under Climate Change Conditions: Local Constraints at the Waterhole of Rouafi, Konni (Niger)

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Author(s): Hassane Bouba, Moussa Issaka Abdoulkader, Abdourhamane Touré Amadou, Illa Zamnaou Abdourahamane, Zibo Garba

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2418 28 116 1-6 Volume 9 - Dec 2020


In Niger, the fishing sector supports the needs of communities for their income as well as to meet their nutritional needs for protein. The present work focused on fishing on the Rouafi waterhole, rural community of Bazaga, Konni department. The main objective of this work is to examine the evolution of fishery products in a climate change context. The methodology used in this study is based on the processing of meteoro-climatic data, data on the quantities of fish caught in the Rouafi watherhole, and the identification and mapping of the space occupied by cryptocoryne. The results show that climatic parameters (rainfall and maximum ambient temperature) do not directly influence the quantities of fish caught in the Rouafi waterhole. On the other hand, in parallel with the decrease in the quantities of fish caught, Cryptocoryn spiralis, an aquatic plant species, developed strongly.


Rouafi Waterhole, Fish, Climate, Cryptocoryne Spiralis


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