Efficacy of Remdesivir in Covid-19 Patients; Multicenter Study in Lahore

Efficacy of Remdesivir in Covid-19 Patients; Multicenter Study in Lahore

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Author(s): Najeeb Ullah, Khurshid Ahmad Khan, Javeid Iqbal, Asim Rana, Bilal Bin Younis, Mohsin Asif, Aijaz Zeeshan Khan Chachar, Falak shan

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2417 54 388 31-34 Volume 9 - Nov 2020


Introduction: This Pandemic of Covid-19 has shaken the world and devastating and unpredictable nature of the disease and scenario becomes worse when we see limited treatment options for this disease. Objectives: The objective of the study was to assess the efficacy of Remdesivir in patients having early phase of the disease. Methodology: Study Settings: The study was conducted in two major tertiary care hospitals, Fatima Memorial Hospital, Bahria international Hospital, Lahore. Sample size & Sampling Technique: A total of 60 patients were selected for this study who were suffering from COVID 19, out of which 30 were given Remdesivir and 30 patients were kept in control group. Participants were enrolled in the study after fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria. It was Probability sampling. Study design: Non-randomized control interventional study. Data Analysis: Data was analyzed with respect to demographics and clinical characteristics. Outcome was observed in terms of recovery and death. Also, the oxygen requirement and respiratory rate was measured on presentation and on 14th day of admission. Furthermore, coexisting conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, ischemic heart disease and chronic kidney disease were also considered regarding outcome in case group and control group. Results: Mean age of the study participants was 53.2 with standard deviation (SD)±14.6 years, whereas average age of cases was 49.2±15.1 and control 57.1±13.1 years. Male were 60% of the patients and 40% were females, whereas both cases and control had 57% males. The most common co existing disease was hypertension which attributed to 53% of the total sample size followed by diabetes which was present in 47% of the study participants. 23 (38%) participants did not have any coexisting disease. The data did not show any promises with Remdesivir therapy in patients with or without ventilatory support in comparison with participants who did not receive Remdesivir.


COVID 19, Pneumonia, Remdesivir


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