Study of the Organization of Fodder Exploitation, in the Face of Development Dynamics and the Galloping Urbanization of the City of Abidjan

Study of the Organization of Fodder Exploitation, in the Face of Development Dynamics and the Galloping Urbanization of the City of Abidjan

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Author(s): Mangara Ali, Kouassi Akossoua Faustine, Yeo Yacouba

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2412 46 269 7-14 Volume 10 - Jan 2021


The objective of this study was to analyze the functioning of fodder exploitation in the District of Abidjan. Research and surveys were carried out among fodder operators on both fodder collection and sale spots and on livestock markets as well. Formal surveys, carried out in a single visit using questionnaires, made it possible to conduct interviews with stakeholders. The fodder supply sites include the localities of Alépé, Azaguié, Bonoua, Dabou, Grand-Bassam, Jacqueville and Songon, which are 5 to 60 away from Abidjan. The investigations revealed that 88% of fodder operators are not members of any trade union, compared to 12% who are members of the livestock sellers’ union. The fodder delivered is usually fresh and bundled or stored in the form of a pile for better conservation before delivery. Concerning the perception of the stakeholders, the threat of disappearance of fodder at the level of the sampling sites, due to the rapid urbanization of Abidjan, is the main concern for the collectors. The lack of organization of stakeholders in terms of transport, the conservation of unsold fodder, the lack of fixed sites for collection, the sale of fodder and the payment of certain taxes, make this activity less beneficial. It is therefore necessary that the players in this sector get better organized to ensure the sustainability of the city's fodder supply and that research for the safeguard and appropriate management of endangered species be undertaken to support the players.


Fodder, Livestock, Exploitation, Collector, Côte d’Ivoire


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