Study on the Construction of Public Service Platform for Risk Assessment of Consumer Products Based on Microservice Architecture

Study on the Construction of Public Service Platform for Risk Assessment of Consumer Products Based on Microservice Architecture

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Author(s): Zhou Xu, Fangkai Zhang, Meiyu Wu, Yanli Meng

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2399 32 98 25-30 Volume 9 - Oct 2020


Faced with the trend of more and more diversified risks of consumer products under the new situation, the traditional risk assessment platform based on single architecture can no longer cope with the growing and rapidly changing new demands. This paper proposes a public service platform for risk assessment of consumer products based on microservice architecture and studies its key issues. Combined with the idea of flexibility and extensibility, this paper analyses the operation defects of traditional architecture and proposes the construction of the public service platform based on the microservice architecture for risk assessment of consumer products. The granularity and partitioning principles of microservices are also studied. Finally, the construction of the actual service architecture is presented.


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