Frequency of Carotid Atherosclerosis in Hepatitis C Virus Positive Patients

Frequency of Carotid Atherosclerosis in Hepatitis C Virus Positive Patients

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Author(s): Nazish Yaqoob, Aijaz Zeeshan Khan Chachar

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2393 36 100 24-30 Volume 9 - Nov 2020


Background and objectives: Carotid atherosclerosis is the second leading cause of mortality and a leading cause of major disability. Conventional risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, smoking and hyperlipidemia have been established to play pivotal role in the etiology of atherosclerosis. Besides these risk factors, inflammation due to infections is being considered as a possible cause of the disease. Among infectious agents Hepatitis C has been proposed to play a major role in the etiology of Carotid atherosclerosis. The Current study was conducted to see the frequency of carotid atherosclerosis in patients having hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in our population. Objectives: To determine the frequency of carotid atherosclerosis in already diagnosed HCV positive patients. Study Design: Cross Sectional.Study Settings: The study was carried out in medical inpatient and outpatient departments of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore. Study duration: Six months i.e from 28 April to 27 October 2016.Patients & Methods: Three eighty three (383) patients were included in the study according to inclusion criteria and carefully applying exclusion criteria after inquiring detailed history and doing clinical examination. Data Collection Procedure: Demographics like name, age, gender & address were noted. Patient’s detailed history about HCV was asked and Carotid Doppler was performed by researcher {using ultrasound machine APLIU TOSHIBA}, and findings were confirmed by the senior consultant Radiologist of the hospital who had vast experience in dealing such kind of patients and then presence of carotid atherosclerosis in HCV positive patients was noted. All this information was taken on Performa. Results: Carotid atherosclerosis was present in 131(34.2%), absent in 252(65.8%) patients and diabetes present in 246 (64.2%) patients and absent in 137(35.8%). Of 131 patients, 70(54%) were males and 61(46%) females. 54(41%) patients had hepatitis C for < 3 years and 77(59%) for ≥ 3 years. 93(71%) patients had positive family history of atherosclerosis while 38(29%) patients had none. Mean BMI of total patients was 29.64± 6.64; 119(31.1%) patients of BMI <25kg/m2 and 264(68.9%) with BMI ≥25kg/m2.out of these 131 patients; 105(80%) had age < 45 years and 26 (20%) had age of ≥ 45 years. BMI was < 25kg/m2 in 30 (23%) and ≥ 25kg/m2 in 101(77%) patients. Conclusion: HCV positive patients in significant numbers had carotid atherosclerosis which is quite alarming, early diagnosis and screening can reduce the morbidity and mortality related with carotid atherosclerosis.


Enzyme linked Immune-Sorbant Assay ELISA, Hepatitis C, Carotid Atheroscelrosis


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