Author(s): Ngoran Beranger, Kouassi Akossoua Faustine, Gogbeu Seu Jonathan, Ochou Germaine Elisabeth Cynthia, Kouassi Rene ALLOU, Ake Severin
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2371
~ 43
` 77
a 31-44
Volume 9 - Oct 2020
This study was initiated to optimize chemical control against Phytophthora katsurae on coconut trees with different concentrations of the fungicide phosphorous acid. In vivo, different concentrations of phosphorous acid [2.8 g (TA), 5.6 g (TB), and 11.2 g (TC) of active ingredient (a.i.)] dissolved in water, were injected into the stipes of the coconut varieties Equatorial Green Dwarf (EGD) and the hybrid PB 121+ cultivars in comparison with the same untreated cultivars. Soft and brutal inoculation, a strain of Phytophthora katsurae from naturally infected nuts was used to follow its behavior on the nuts of these cultivars treated with phosphorous acid or not. As a result, external and internal symptoms on nuts evolved according to the concentrations of acid received. 11.2 g (TC) of a.i of phosphorous acid provided protection beyond 12 months with good inhibition of pathogen growth, as opposed to 2.8 g (TA) and 5.6 g (TB) of a.i. fluctuated between 3 and 9 months depending on the varieties. This study showed a persistence of phosphorous acid in coconut tissues at high concentration in the control of Phytophthora katsurae.
Coconut trees, Chemical control, Phytophthora katsurae, Phosphorous acid, Côte d’Ivoire
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