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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2364
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Volume 9 - Aug 2020
The aims of the present study are to provide biodiversity assessment and to contribute to the updating the flora of Sudan. A total of (28) species belonging to (15) genera were compiled to comprise members of the family Chenopodiaceae in the Sudan, with the addition of (12) new records. Range extension of (6) species and habitat-specific trends of (10) species were recorded. These species were compiled as a result of comprehensive literature review, herbarium collections and long-term field surveys. Anabasis ehrenbergii, Kochia cana, Sevada schimperi were previously recorded in the main Flora but were no longer reported by subsequent floristic studies (specially along the Red Sea Coastal region), and may be regarded as extinct or vanished. The disappearance of these species was attributed to destruction of natural habitats and climatic changes, suggesting the need for conservation efforts.
New Records, Range Extension, Habitat-Specific, Extinction, Kochia cana
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