Nutritional Composition and Functional Properties of a Fortified Ivorian Local Food 'BASSI' of Maize

Nutritional Composition and Functional Properties of a Fortified Ivorian Local Food 'BASSI' of Maize

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Author(s): Niaba Koffi Pierre Valery, COMBO Agnan Marie-Michel, Deffan Zranseu Bénédicte, Marina C. Kouakou, Gildas K. Gbassi, Germain A. Brou

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2358 26 146 16-21 Volume 9 - Jul 2020


Six (6) formulations of BASSI based on a mixture of maize and soybeans have been developed. Soy flour was incorporated in amounts of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%. The results showed that the nutritional value significantly increases with the incorporated soy rate, except the carbohydrate content which decreases. The water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity and emulsifying activity also increased. As for the emulsion stability and the bulk density, the values decrease. The incorporation of soy improves the nutritional and functional properties of BASSI.


BASSI, Cereal-Based Food, Chemical Composition, Functional Properties


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