Local Uses and Parasitism of Loranthaceae in Sudano-Sahelian Zone of Cameroon: Case of Diamare Plain in Far North Region

Local Uses and Parasitism of Loranthaceae in Sudano-Sahelian Zone of Cameroon: Case of Diamare Plain in Far North Region

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Author(s): Souare Konsala, Baye-Niwah Claudette, Hamawa Yougouda, Tezore Bakary Prudence

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2350 33 151 1-8 Volume 9 - Aug 2020


The Loranthaceae, commonly referred to "mistletoe from Africa” are used by communities of Cameroon for their numerous therapeutic virtues. The study examined the local various uses of Loranthaceae species in Diamare plain of Cameroon. Participatory rural appraisal method was used with 130 persons, namely traditional healers, breeders, farmers and foresters in order to identify the local uses of Loranthaceae species. We used itinerary botanical survey method in thirty-two (32) villages for the inventory of Loranthaceae species. In each village, two (02) itineraries (1000 m x 20 m) were realized on account of one itinerary in an agrosystem and one itinerary in a natural site. Results revealed five categories of uses of Loranthaceae: human traditional pharmacopoeia, fodder, magical use, ritual use and veterinary medicine. Knowledge of Loranthaceae uses was broadly influenced by age of respondents, traditional healers and people over 41 years old were the major libraries of knowledge on Loranthaceae. Human traditional pharmacopoeia (96.92%) and magical use (82.30%) were the most important categories of uses. Nine Loranthaceae species were inventoried in natural and agrosystem sites, namely Agelanthus dodoneifolius (DC.) Polh. & Wiens, Tapinanthus globiferus (A. Rich.) Tiegh., T. oleifolius (J.C.Wendl.), T. ophiodes (Sprague) Danser and T. voltensis Van Tiegh. ex Balle, Phragmanthera sp., Tapinanthus sp1., Tapinanthus sp2. and Tapinanthus sp3. . The most parasitized species with high rate of parasitism and vulnerability were Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. (58.33%; 6.98%), Acacia albida Del. (45.03%; 13.97%), Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (39.05%; 18.03%), Psidium guajava L. (29.62%; 5.10%) and Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f. (26.31%; 6.36%). Rate of parasitism and rate of vulnerability were positively but weakly correlated (Kendall, r = 0.09).


Loranthaceae, Parasitism, Host, Natural Site, Agrosystem


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