Influence of Ulmi (Ulmus macrocarpa Hance) Cortex on Quality Characteristics and Antioxidant activity of Korean Traditional Wine, Takju

Influence of Ulmi (Ulmus macrocarpa Hance) Cortex on Quality Characteristics and Antioxidant activity of Korean Traditional Wine, Takju

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Author(s): Hong Ahn, Il-Doo Kim

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2333 23 89 9-12 Volume 9 - Jun 2020


Ulmi (Ulmus macrocarpa Hance) is an oriental medicinal plant that shows huge potential against several metabolic disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of addition of ulmi root cortex extracts on the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of Korean traditional wine (takju). Four takju samples containing different proportions of the extracts were prepared; namely UCT-0: takju prepared by adding 0% ulmi cortex extracts, UCT-1: takju prepared by adding 1% ulmi cortex extracts, UCT-5: takju prepared by adding 5% ulmi cortex extracts, and UCT-10: takju prepared by adding 10% ulmi cortex extracts. Alcohol contents (6.01‒6.11%) and pH levels (4.01‒4.11) of all four types of takju were not significantly different. The titratable acidity value was the lowest in UCT-0 (0.19 g/100 ml) among the four samples. The soluble solid content was the highest in UCT-10 (4.1 °Brix). The lightness (L*) values were in the order of UCT-0 (55.66) > UCT-1 (50.22) > UCT-5 (47.12) > UCT-10 (40.00). The more the amount of ulmi cortex extracts added, the more the redness (a*) values of the takju observed. The higher scores for overall taste were found for UCT-5 sample as compared to the other samples. The range of the DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) free radical scavenging potential in all samples ranged from 39.83% (UCT-0) to 45.91% (UCT-5). Total polyphenol content was in order of UCT-5 (373.44 μg/ml) > UCT-5 (362.11 μg/ml) > UCT-1 (340.44 μg/ml) > UCT-0 (344.22 μg/ml). The results indicated that addition of 5% root cortex extract of ulmi could be used to produce antioxidant-rich takju with highest overall acceptance.


Ulmi Cortex Extract, Quality Characteristics, Antioxidant Activity, Korean Traditional Wine, takju


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