Performance Evaluation on Mass Recovery Three-Bed Adsorption Chiller
Author(s): Gulshan Khatun
In this paper, the performance of a three-bed (equal bed) adsorption chiller with mass recovery has been numerically studied. The mass recovery scheme is used to improve the cooling effect and a CFC-free-based sorption chiller driven by the low-grade waste heat or any renewable energy source can be developed for the next generation of refrigeration. Silica gel/water is taken as adsorbent/adsorbate pair for the present chiller. The three-bed adsorption chiller comprises with three adsorber/desorber heat exchanger, one evaporator and one condenser. In the present numerical solution, the heat source temperature variation is taken from 500C to 650C along with coolant inlet temperature at 300C and the chilled water inlet temperature at 140C. In the new strategy, mass recovery process occurs in all beds. The configuration of beds in the three bed chiller with mass recovery were taken as uniform in size. The cycle simulation calculation indicates that the COP value of the three-bed adsorption chiller with mass recovery is 0.6214 with a driven heat source temperature at 65°C in combination with coolant inlet and chilled water inlet temperatures at 30°C and 14°C, respectively.
Renewable Energy Sources, Silica Gel-Water, Mass Recovery, Adsorption Chiller, Cooling Capacity and Coefficient of Performance
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