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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2209
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a 14-22
Volume 8 - Nov 2019
With the popularization of smart devices, the threshold for implementing cloud mobile learning is decreasing. With higher education presently facing the need for reform and innovation, this study addresses this need based upon the framework of activity theory. It implements a teaching mode combining a cloud learning platform and a real-time evaluation system, Zuvio, and explores the acceptance of this by students, the preparation and acceptance of teachers, and the support of the school. Also examined is whether the above three have different levels of cognition and actual execution problems and difficulties. The results of the study will be applied to courses in the School of Business and Management, where it will signify a major breakthrough in curriculum innovation. This study is based on the perspectives of students and teachers. The purpose is to understand the challenges and opportunities in teaching practice resulting from the integration of the cloud learning platform and Zuvio. It is expected that the research results obtained will be promoted, referenced, and applied to the teaching field of higher education as a pioneering procedure.
Cloud Learning Platform, Zuvio, Activity Theory, Higher Education
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