The Effect of Wheat Bran on the Total Apparent Digestibility of Dry Matter, NDF, ADF and CP in Goat Diets

The Effect of Wheat Bran on the Total Apparent Digestibility of Dry Matter, NDF, ADF and CP in Goat Diets

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Author(s): R. Arias, M. G. Muro, M. S. Trigo, M. Eirin, D. Boyezuk, C. A. Cordiviola

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2182 49 187 6-12 Volume 8 - Oct 2019


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of wheat bran in increasing amounts on the total apparent dry matter digestibility (DM), the fiber (NDF, ADF) and the protein (CP) in goat diets. Eight Criollo x Nubian goats were used in a 4x4 Latin square experimental design. Four diets were provided: alfalfa hay (D0); alfalfa hay + wheat bran (WB) (0.5% of BW/day) (D1), alfalfa hay + WB (1% of BW/day) (D2) and alfalfa hay + WB (1.5% of BW/day) (D3). All the treatments consisted of alfalfa hay delivered ad libitum. In vivo total apparent digestibility of the DM intake and its fractions was calculated as a result of the difference between the ingested and excreted amounts in relation to the intake. Forage intake and the relation forage/concentrate decreased linearly (p < 0.05) with the increase of the concentrate. Energy intake increased linearly (p < 0.05) with larger amounts of WB. The total apparent digestibility of the ingested DM showed a significant linear increase (p < 0.05) with the increase of concentrate. The digestibility of NDF, ADF and CP registered no differences (p > 0.05) with the WB increase in the different treatments. We can conclude that the addition of WB in Criollo x Nubian goats improved the total apparent digestibility of the ingested DM by replacing hay for concentrate, without altering NDF, ADF and CP fractions.


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