The Factors Affecting Villagers’ Participation in a Sustainable Forest Management in Champasack Province, Lao PDR

The Factors Affecting Villagers’ Participation in a Sustainable Forest Management in Champasack Province, Lao PDR

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Author(s): Bounyadeth Thongsavanh, Khanthaly Khamphilavong, Sovu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2155 74 255 36-43 Volume 8 - Aug 2019


The main purpose of this paper is to determine factors influencing local people's participation in a sustainable forest management in Pathoumphone Production Forest area in Champasak province, Lao PDR. In order to assess these factors, we had chosen 12 target group representatives: household representatives, village authorities, international aid agencies, central and local government agencies (Champasak Provincial Office for Agriculture and Forestry Office and District Office for Agriculture and Forestry Office). Household and village representatives are from Beuangko village, NamOm village, Nongbeuang village, Chongroy villages, and Phaosamphan village. Purposive Sampling was used to achieved the aim of this study. The analysis found that the factors that influenced villagers to participate in the sustainable forest product management consists of three main factors: economic factor, social factor, and other external factors with related to the project’s activities on the forest product management while providing knowledge to local people was also important. Policies should be reformed in order to strengthen village committees and they can be self-managed and benefits-sharing mechanism should be established in order to improve the participation of local villagers in the Production forest management.


Participation, People, Production Forest, Champasak, Lao PDR


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