Perceptions of Mothers regarding the Importance of Breastfeeding

Perceptions of Mothers regarding the Importance of Breastfeeding

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Author(s): Bruna Fernandes Boaventura, Julia Ramos de Campos Silva, Oriane da Silva Pimenta, Rubens José Bombardi Neto, Bruno dos Reis Santos, Alan Wilson Fortunato, Matheus Martins de Freitas, Antônio Carlos Tonelli Gusson

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2153 40 211 29-35 Volume 8 - Aug 2019


Objective: To identify the perceptions of mothers regarding the importance of breastfeeding. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 385 mothers recruited from three locations: a general hospital (n=73), children's hospital (n=227) and the Pro-Infancy Clinic (n=85). Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire on breastfeeding. Data analysis considered absolute and relative frequencies. Among the 385 mothers, 9.4% were not counseled regarding the properties and benefits of breast milk. The desire to breastfeed during pregnancy changed in 24.7% mothers after the child was born. The main difficulties during breastfeeding were “nipple pain and injury” (64.7%) and “altered sleep pattern” (63.6%). A total of 32.2% participants had difficulty reconciling breastfeeding and work; 65.5% of mothers introduced artificial milk, juices, teas, water, and cow's milk before six months of age; and 72.5% used pacifier/bottle feeding before six months of age. Difficulties during breastfeeding and the justifications of mothers who do not breastfeed show that simple measures can increase adherence to and the maintenance of breastfeeding. Maternity leave among working women is a favorable measure for the maintenance of exclusive breastfeeding. The assurance of exclusive breastfeeding for a longer time could probably reduce the use of devices such as a pacifier/bottle-feeding and lead to the later introduction of complementary foods, which are the main causes of the discontinuation of breastfeeding.


Breastfeeding, Weaning, Parental Leave, Child Health


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