Research on the Evaluation Index System of Enterprise's Online Credit in B2C E-commerce

Research on the Evaluation Index System of Enterprise's Online Credit in B2C E-commerce

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Author(s): Fangkai Zhang, Zhou Xu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2094 31 121 117-121 Volume 8 - Jun 2019


Online reputation evaluation is a hot topic in e-commerce research. We analyses the existing problems of enterprise reputation evaluation in the current e-commerce environment from various views, then point out the influencing factors of enterprise online reputation in B2C e-commerce. By analyzing the influencing factors of enterprise reputation in B2C e-commerce environment, we construct three dimensions: financial evaluation, user experience and potential evaluation. Finally, we establish an online reputation evaluation index system for enterprises in B2C e-commerce environment.


B2C E-Commerce, Online Reputation Evaluation, Index System


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