AFM and Van der Pauw Measurements of Carbon Nanoparticles Prepared from Kerosene

AFM and Van der Pauw Measurements of Carbon Nanoparticles Prepared from Kerosene

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Author(s): Tanisha Mehreen, Jahirul Islam, Mohammad Abul Hossain, Khandker Saadat Hossain

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2080 41 193 122-127 Volume 8 - Jun 2019


In the present study, the structural and electrical properties of carbon nanoparticles, prepared from kerosene has been investigated with the help of Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Ecopia Hall-effect measurement system. The spherical carbon particles size was observed with the help of Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and the size found 80 nm in diameter as an aggregated particles. The electrical parameters such as resistivity, conductivity, magneto-resistance, mobility, and average Hall coefficient were measured by Ecopia Hall effect measurement system by four-point probe method at a suitable condition. TheI-Vcharacteristic curve of Carbon Nanoparticle Thin Film (CNTF) was observed by a source-meter and a current rectifying behavior at the Ag/CNTF interface was found.The CNPs synthesized from kerosene was found as ann-type semiconductor and other electrical properties were compared with CNPs prepared from diesel in the previous study.


Carbon Nanoparticles, Atomic Force Microscope, Van Der Pauw, Rectifier, Thin Film


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