Growth Assessment and Microbial Flora Presence in African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Larvae Fed Live and Commercial Feeds

Growth Assessment and Microbial Flora Presence in African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Larvae Fed Live and Commercial Feeds

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Author(s): N. A. Jamabo, I. O. K. Ukwe, D. Amachree

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2058 86 302 1-6 Volume 8 - Jul 2019


Assessment was carried on the growth and microbial flora presence in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae fed with live food(Artemia) and commercial feed (Aller Aqua). Two days old larvae (n=200) of average weight (4.8± 0.01mg)and length (6.16±0.03mm)were reared in triplicates for 21 days in plastic tanks (40cm x 25cm x 25cm) dimension. The experiment was done in 12 hours static and 12 hours flow through periods each day. The physico-chemical parameters were within acceptable range for catfish culture except in the static periods were ammonia was present in values (0.30 ± 0.00) that are unacceptable. However, nitrate and nitrite were present but in low values. Both feeds showed commendable performance in growth parameters, but Artemia with lower crude protein content did better. There were presence of Total heterotrophic bacteria, Vibro, Total coliform and Salmonella/Shigella in the microbial analysis of the fish waters in all the treatment. Apart from total heterotrophic bacteria that was significantly present in all the experimental waters Vibro, Total coliform and Salmonila/Shigella were less than thirty(<30)cfu. Also, fish gets olderthe quantity of microbial flora present in the fish waters reduces.


Aquaculture, Larvae, Clarias gariepinus, Feeds, Microbial Flora


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