Using Clustering and Controlled Regression to Analyze the Orientation of Rod-Like Objects

Using Clustering and Controlled Regression to Analyze the Orientation of Rod-Like Objects

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Roberto Marazzato

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2055 41 183 16-18 Volume 8 - May 2019


This work proposes the use of the R language for the analysis of the orientation of rod-like objects. First, the objects are separated from the background by means of a segmentation based on a thresholding. DBSCAN, a density based clustering algorithm, is used on the thresholded image. After the clustering, a linear regression is applied to determine the orientation of rod-like objects. The orientation is displayed by means of a radar diagram.


Image Processing, Image Segmentation, Orientation of Textures


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