Modelling Space-time Propagation of Climate Sensitive Variation in the Indus River Flow

Modelling Space-time Propagation of Climate Sensitive Variation in the Indus River Flow

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Author(s): Syed Ahmad Hassan

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2046 41 95 93-102 Volume 8 - Apr 2019


The linear and nonlinear analyses of the impacts of local climatic parameters on Indus River flows as discussed in [1] and [2] gives provision to investigate the influential role of the regional climatic parameters. For this purpose this paper simulates the Indus River flow network using exponentially distributed river network (SRN) feed by employs synthetically generated local temperature and rainfall dependent runoffs. The local temperature and rainfall is generated using the stochastic, autoregressive and Poisson process methods respectively. To explore the influential role, the sensitivity analyses are performed by changing the local climatic parameter values. This demonstrates the existence of relation between the variability of temperature and rainfall on the river flow in the form of linear and nonlinear information and its propagation along the network. In the mean 10daily flow (TDF) propagation the dominant precipitation characteristic is linear. It is to be saying that the temperature variations make some way of only nonlinear behaviour in the TDF propagation. Accordingly, it explores the impact of local climatic parameters on the river flow and its propagation in the form of linear and nonlinear information.


Indus River, Local Climate, Propagation, River network


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