Author(s): Akintelu Sunday Adewale, Abiola babawale Emmanuel, Ajayi Samuel Oluwakayode, Olabemiwo Ojeyemi Matthew
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2032
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Volume 8 - Oct 2019
The safety level of herbal drugs especially those that are produced in developing countries are of great concern to all stakeholders in health care system. The effects of aqueous extracts of five randomly selected locally produced antimalarial herbal drugs in South Western Nigeria on the biochemical and heamatological parameters of the blood of wistar albino rats were examined. Thirty three rats of both sex and of weight range 180 -200g were acclimatized for two weeks, after which they were randomly distributed into six groups (control,1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively) and each group containing three rats. The rats were then fed with standard animal feed (Adose animal feed) and water. Exactly 2 mL of the aqueous extract of each herbal drug was administered to the rats using annular syringe at doses of 200mg and 400mg/kg/day for a period of two weeks. At the end of the treatment, the rats were sacrificed and biochemical and heamatological analyses of their blood performed. The value of heamatological parameter examined in this study (Red blood count (RBC), Mean cell volume (MCV), Heamogobin and packed cell volume (PVC)) fell within the standard ranges but there were significant differences in all the values of heamatological parameters of control and test rats (p< 0.05) except PCV. All the biochemical parameters of the test rats showed a significant difference in the acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and the albumin compared to the control (p< 0.05) except total protein.
Heamatological Parameter, Biochemical Parameter, Malaria, Herbal Drugs
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