Influence of Anthropometry on the Kinematics of the Cervical Spine in Frontal Sled Tests

Influence of Anthropometry on the Kinematics of the Cervical Spine in Frontal Sled Tests

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Author(s): Christoph Dehner MD, Wolfram Hell MD, Michael Kraus MD, Götz Röderer MD, Michael Kramer MD

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638 977 26-36 Volume 2 - Jul 2013


Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of anthropometric factors on the kinematics of the cervical spine during in-vivo frontal collisions. Methods: Therefore a frontal collision with a mean velocity change (delta-V) of 10.2 km/h was simulated in a sled test with ten healthy volunteers (seven men and three women). A high-speed camera was used to document motion data. Acceleration data were recorded using accelerometers. The study analyzed the association of anthropometric factors with defined kinematical characteristics.Results: A smaller neck circumference led to an earlier peak of the dorsal horizontal head acceleration (r=0.602), an earlier beginning of the ventral head translation (r=0.742) and a greater maximal head flexion (r=-0.717). A smaller body weight led to a later beginning of the head flexion acceleration (r=-0.713) and a greater maximal head flexion (r=-0.620). With a smaller thorax circumference the beginning of the dorsal horizontal head acceleration (r=0.623), the peak of the head flexion acceleration (r=0.756) and the peak of the head extension acceleration (r=0.679) were reached earlier. Conclusions: The main findings of the present study consist in the identification of relevant anthropometric parameters (neck and thorax circumference and body weight) on the cervical spine kinematics. Specific anthropometric factors increasing the risk of injury could not be identified. The head movement is mainly associated with the neck circumference and the body weight. The onset and occurrence of the acceleration parameter is mainly associated with the thorax circumference.


frontal impact, anthropometric factors, head-neck kinematics, volunteer sled tests, whiplash


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