Concurrent Weekly Cisplatin vs Triweekly Cisplatin Alone with Radiotherapy for Treatment of Cervical Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

Concurrent Weekly Cisplatin vs Triweekly Cisplatin Alone with Radiotherapy for Treatment of Cervical Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

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Author(s): Zhe Sun, Xianfei Yan, Xiaolu Fang, Hong Yu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1968 33 93 109-113 Volume 8 - Mar 2019


To confirm the difference on side effect and survival between Weekly cisplatin and Triweekly cisplatin combined radiotherapy for cervical cancer treatment. Method The searching strategy was developed in EMBASE, MEDLINE and Cochrane library from their earliest publication dates to May 2018. 8 studies were seclected to ompare weekly cisplatin and triweekly cisplatin combined radiotherapy. Results Of the 1134 research literatures, 8 were eligible for inclusion and included in the analysis. Our meta-analysis proved that there were no obvious difference on leukopenia (OR, 0.14;95% CI, 0.04-0.49, p=0.07), Gastrointestinal toxicity (OR, 1.17;95% CI, 0.46-2.97, p=0.91), and 5-Y OS (OR, 0.93, 95% CI, 0.74-1.17, P= 0.54) between Weekly cisplatin and Triweekly cisplatin combined radiotherapy, but Weekly cisplatin has the tendency to reduce the leukopenia happen. Conclusion Weekly cisplatin and Triweekly cisplatin combined radiotherapy have their own advantages, and there were no obvious difference between them. Patients can choose the treatment that suits themselves.


Cervical Cancer, Cisplatin, Side Effcets, Meta-Analysis, 5-Year OS


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