Public Organisations and Public Management in Greece: The Implementation of Private Management Tools in the Public Sector

Public Organisations and Public Management in Greece: The Implementation of Private Management Tools in the Public Sector

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Author(s): Panagiota Xanthopoulou, Vassilis Kefis

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1965 83 240 45-54 Volume 8 - Mar 2019


Τhe public sector in Greece faces an increasingly urgent challenge today. There is a strong need to find the ways and set the measures to reform it in depth with long-lasting outcomes. These reforms depend on a new structured public administration to carry them through. The present paper analyses the basic concepts and the most important theoretical approaches to the cognitive subject of public administration and public policy, while thoroughly examining the attitudes that make up the public policy cycle in the light of different theoretical approaches. In addition, the most important reformist trends are presented as vital proposals in the traditional form of public administration and policy.


New Public Management, Public Administration, Public Sector, Reformation


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