Physio-Hematological Response of Healthy Dogs During and after Ovariohysterectomy

Physio-Hematological Response of Healthy Dogs During and after Ovariohysterectomy

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Author(s): Dionesio A. Estopa

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1934 38 198 13-19 Volume 8 - Feb 2019


This study investigated six apparently healthy female dogs as experimental animals for the cardiovascular response and the changes in the hematological parameters subjected to ovariohysterectomy. The animals were examined prior to surgery through heart rate evaluation and complete blood count examination. Heart rate evaluation and Complete Blood Count (CBC) examination were performed before, during and after ovariohysterectomy. A non-parametric test (averages and percentages) were used to compare the variation of heart rate and blood parameters. Results of the study showed that there was a slight reduction of the heart rate during the surgical operation and a significant numerical difference in the values were observed in the blood parameters (RBC, WBC, PCV, MCV, Platelets, Lympocytes and Segmented neutrophils) throughout the experimental period. Red Blood Cell (RBC) count was affected during the intra-operative period slightly below the normal range. Packed Cell Volume (PCV) was also reduced during surgery, but the reduction is still within the normal range. Reduction in the Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) was also observed, however, not exceeding beyond the normal range. White Blood Cell (WBC) count however, was observed to be elevated during the surgery but the values of segmented neutrophils were within the normal range. The results of the study revealed that ovariohysterectomy really trigger intra-operative stress. Therefore, a careful evaluation of the patient prior to the surgical operation should be given utmost consideration. Surgical patients with abnormal blood parameters should be stabilized first before proceeding with the said surgical operation. During the intra-operative period, it is highly recommended that the patient should be under intravenous fluid infusion to maintain its homeostasis and acid-base balance.


Physio-Hematological Response, Ovariohystectomy, Healthy Dogs


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