The Role of NLRP3 in Repairing Sciatic Nerve Injury

The Role of NLRP3 in Repairing Sciatic Nerve Injury

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Author(s): Jia Yao, Zhu Yuzhen, High Xiao, Xuan Yang, Jianzhao Deng, Bei Zhang

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1925 26 82 124-129 Volume 8 - Feb 2019


NLRP3 is a member of the NOD-like family of adaptive immune responses that recognize both exogenous damage-associated molecular patterns and endogenous damage-related molecular patterns. NLRP3 recognizes that PAMPS/DAMPS is activated, binds to ASC and Caspase-1 to form NLRP3 inflammatory vesicles, and exerts immunity in pathogenic infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases by controlling the release of IL-1β and IL-18, but The role of peripheral nerve injury is not clear. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of NLRP3 on repair after sciatic nerve injury. This study was divided into two parts. The first part established the sciatic nerve injury model. In the second part, NLRP3 intervention was given on the basis of the sciatic nerve injury model. The results showed that The model of sciatic nerve injury in mice was established successfully. The sciatic nerve function of the MSU group and the MCC950 group recovered better than the control group, and the recovery of the MCC950 group was the best. It is concluded that moderate inhibition of nlrp3-mediated inflammatory response is helpful for peripheral nerve repair after injury.


Nlrp3, Peripheral Nerve Injury, IL-1β


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