Effect of Seaweed Liquid Extracts on the Internode Variation of Lens esculenta Seedlings

Effect of Seaweed Liquid Extracts on the Internode Variation of Lens esculenta Seedlings

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Author(s): Lucia Teresa Mendoza-Morales, Angela Catalina Mendoza-González, Luz Elena Mateo Cid, Angélica Rodríguez-Dorantes

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1884 111 367 1-5 Volume 8 - Jan 2019


Seaweeds are important sustainable resources by their industrial potential; particularly, because their extracts contain polysaccharides, proteins, polyphenols, nutrient elements and important plant growth hormones or regulators, that make them as an adequate substitutes of biofertilizers and they are actually named biostimulants. Even there are some limitations regarding to their extraction methods; the boiling and soaking extraction method with distilled water is greatly recommended. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two seaweed liquid extracts as growth promoters through the internode variation of Lens esculenta seedlings.There was a particular response in shoot elongation of L. esculenta seedlings regarding to their internode length measured; where the promotion of shoot growth was evident at 5% of the liquid extracts concentration from both seaweeds species; but the results obtained from U. fasciata liquid extracts at 5 and 10% concentrations showed a better growth and appearance of seedlings with a diminish in the internode length and chlorosis at 20% concentration of the liquid extract; showing that the application of low concentrations could be added to plant cultures as a source of growth regulators, can increase the response of plants; particularly, with the application of Ulva fasciata extracts.


Liquid Seaweed Extracts, Biostimulants, Lens esculenta


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