Carbon Monoxide Emissions Effects from Power Generating Plants on Residents of Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State Nigeria

Carbon Monoxide Emissions Effects from Power Generating Plants on Residents of Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State Nigeria

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Author(s): Elenwo E. I., G. U. Ebe

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1823 42 175 25-36 Volume 8 - Jan 2019


The study examined carbon monoxide emissions from power generating plants on the residents of Port Harcourt Metropolis. The study combined both cross sectional and experimental research methods to accomplish the stated objectives. Measurement were taken using Madur-portable gas analyser, aeroqual gas monitor and questionnaires to measure the point source emissions, ambient CO and the perceptions of the residents on power generating sets respectively. Data analysis utilized (descriptive and inferential) statistical analysis .The study found out that the density of power generating plants in some part of the study area emit larger amount of CO to the ambient air and increases the concentrations above recommended limit as observed in some communities such as UniPort, University of Education, Elekahia and Rumuagholu with the concentrations at about 45.70ppm, 34.33ppm, 16.62ppm and 14.22ppm respectively. The concentrations when compared was above the epidemiological standard baseline of 10-20ppm.. The study found that, there was statistically significant different in the ambient CO concentrations in the various communities (calculated value 3.376> table value 2.080 at 95% significance level) and that there was no relationship between the point source emissions and the ambient CO concentrations (calculated value 0.536< table value 2.086 at 95% significance level). The research recommends that other studies should be carried out directly on human impact by measuring blood samples for CO concentrations in the study area. Also, government should mobilize enlightenment programmes on the menace Co inhalation and its preventive measures. Homes should install CO detector that triggers off alarm when concentrations exceed threshold levels.


Carbon monoxide, Emissions, Effects, Residents, Port Harcourt


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